Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So are introductions necessary on a blog where you just use me? :)

Heyyy i guess.

So (Not that you care). I'm a high school student sophomore, ATM. that will change though. time does that. Feel free to use or even the dreaded word 'plagiarize' my work from here. Why is some nerd doing this? Random acts of love i guess. I was like I wish to whatevers holy that i could just copy and paste something just this one essay. Well. This is the best i could come up with for you. My major essays and or projects or significant homework that i do on the computer, I upload it here. Because i'm just like that. AND i was bored. But stick to the 'I'm nice' explanation. If you happen to also be in this thing called International Baccelaurate chain schools, then this follows their requirments and stuff so don't worry about that. But if you're in IB then you really shouldn't be using this page. If you're not in IB. don't worry. It just means i'm smarter than you and all this information is definitley worthy for your school.

oh jk, stop hitting the screen.

well. is have fun appropiate?